Practice XSD Schema online to validate XML documents by Examples
Here is a set of XML document and their corresponding XSD for validation.
[info]Click here for A quick reference with examples for XSD[/info]
[info]A valid XML document complies with the set of rules defined with the XSD or the DTD[/info]
1 Document 1: It is already done for you 🙂
2 Try to write the XSD for the following XML document
3 Try to write the XSD for the following XML document
4 Document 4: It is already done for you 😉
5 Document 5: Write the XSD for the following XML document:
6 Document 6: Seems easy but watch out ! Type an XML document for the provided XSD
7 This is a bit challenging if you are Smart: Make sure you restrict the genre of DVD between the following values(Pop, Classical, Rock, Country);
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