Join : SELECT Tutorial using multiple database tables

The JOIN is used in an SQL statement to query data from two or more tables, based on a relationship between certain columns in these tables. Tables in a database are often related to each other with keys.

[info] In case you are not familiar with SELECT, visit this tutorial : SQL SELECT Tutorial : Searching & Querying the database [/info]

1) Let’s suppose we have two database tables for : contacts and countries

    mycontacts_id int auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(45) NOT NULL ,
    lastname varchar(45) NOT NULL,
    email text ,
    age int,
    phone varchar(45) NOT NULL,
    country_id int

    country_id int auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(45) NOT NULL ,
    phonecode int NOT NULL

The First table countryhas like foreign key to the country table.

2) Let’s insert some countries data:

insert into country

3)Let’s view our data for the country table :

country_id name phonecode
1 USA 1
2 Britain 44
3 China 86
4 Denmark 45
5 Egypt 20

4) Let’s insert some people into the mycontacts table

     INSERT INTO mycontacts
    ('Jerry', 'Yang','','41','0911',3),
    ('Larry', 'Page','','45','0999',2),
    ('Bill', 'Gates','','45','0999',1),
    ('Michael', 'Dell','','39','9838',3),
    ('Pierre', 'Omidyar','','46','9838',4),
    ('Charles', 'Flint','','120','9838',2),
    ('Lee', 'Byung-chull','','120','9838',5),
    ('Steve', 'Jobs','','120','9838',1),
    ('Bill', 'Hewlett','','120','9838',0);

5) Let’s show People’s name, last name and their country name OR Let’s JOIN two tables together:

name lastname countryname
Bill Gates USA
Steve Jobs USA
Larry Page Britain
Charles Flint Britain
Jerry Yang China
Michael Dell China
Pierre Omidyar Denmark
Lee Byung-chull Egypt


The above is what we call : Natural Join
[warning]Is ‘Bill’, ‘Hewlett’ Listed on the table above ?[/warning]

6) Let’s search for people whose country is USA

mycontacts_id name lastname email age phone country_id countryname
3 Bill Gates 45 0999 1 USA
8 Steve Jobs 120 9838 1 USA

7) Let’s search for people and country name where the first name is Bill

mycontacts_id name lastname email age phone country_id countryname
3 Bill Gates 45 0999 1 USA

Again : Where is Bill Hewlett of HP ?
[info]JOIN: Return rows when there is at least one match in both tables[/info]
There is a different Join : LEFT JOIN:
[info]LEFT JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table[/info]
The syntax for LEFT JOIN is :

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name1
LEFT JOIN table_name2
ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name

8) Let’s search for people and country name where the first name is Bill

mycontacts_id name lastname email age phone country_id countryname
3 Bill Gates 45 0999 1 USA
9 Bill Hewlett 120 9838 0


Again : Where is Bill Hewlett of HP ?
9) Using LEFT JOIN Let’s search for people whose country is USA

mycontacts_id name lastname email age phone country_id countryname
3 Bill Gates 45 0999 1 USA
8 Steve Jobs 120 9838 1 USA


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