Databases Archive
Motivations of why to Learn Databases
Apr 02, 2014
Before we define or explain what a database or even argue whether it is important for software development, let us ask the simple question: Can we create a software application without the use of a database system. To make it easier for you to answer such question, we take the simple example
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How to Convert ER Diagram to Relational Database
Mar 10, 2014
The ER Model is intended as a description of real-world entities. Although it is constructed in such a way as to allow easy translation to the relational schema model, this is not an entirely trivial process. The ER diagram represents the conceptual level of database design meanwhile the relational schema is the
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List of Recommended Websites to Learn Databases
Mar 01, 2014
Here is a set of websites that we recommend for people starting to learn databases: SQL Zoo : SQLZoo includes tutorials and reference to support people learning SQL. The website is available in English, German, and French. The site includes : Interactive access to several SQL engines. Sample databases, Practical exercise
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BaseX : Tutorial for using an XML Native Database Management System
XML is defined as a textual structured format for storing, representing and communicating data. The XML format is based on opening and closing tags for enclosing data content. As opposed to traditional databases, XML documents are portable and can be opened on any platform using any programming language. BaseX is a native
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Making Connection to Oracle Database System with Java
[info]You may need to Java and Eclipse Configured and Installed. If not please click here for instructions to install the JDK and download Eclipse[/info] [info] If you don’t have Oracle XE installed, Follow this tutorial for how to Get started to learn Oracle[/info] Oracle Database Creation 1 Open your Apex for Oracle:
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Oracle : Type/Object Creation, Inheritance and Method Implementation with Examples
In this tutorial, we will try to go through a problem for modelling a system for storing polygon objects which have their own methods for computing the area or perimeter. The objects that we should have are : Point ( x , y ) Side ( Point, Point ) Polygon ( Sides)
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Tutorial for how to Get started to learn Oracle
Oracle is an object-relational database management system. It allows users to create, maintain, modify, and even erase any and all data and objects within an existing database. 1 You need to download the Oracle XE (Express Edition) to quickly get started with it. [info]Click here to download the Oracle XE Edition[/info] [success]
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SQL tutorial for using Having with Examples
The HAVING statment is added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions ( such as count, max …) [info] Advanced SQL SELECT Tutorial using Aggegrate Functions by Examples [/info] The syntax for using HAVING is as below: SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator
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Advanced SQL SELECT Tutorial using Aggegrate Functions by Examples
[info]In case you are beginner with SQL, you are advised to visit the following tutorials: >SQL SELECT Tutorial : Searching & Querying the database >Join : SELECT Tutorial using multiple database tables[/info] The important SQL command is SELECT statement. The SQL SELECT statement is used to query or retrieve data from a
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SQL Simple Exercises using MySQL and phpMyAdmin
Nov 07, 2013
[info]If you have not installed MySQL/phpMyAdmin, Follow this tutorial to install EasyPHP[/info] 1 Open phpMyAdmin. Click : Databases to create a new database with the name : ecommerce, Click Create 2 Click on the database ecommerce on the left side. 3 Download the database ecommerce.sql file. [info]Click here Download the ecommerce.sql file
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