JDBC Archive
Database Porgramming : Creating a simple phone book using Java & a database ( HSQLDB )
Databases, Java Programming, SQL
Apr 23, 2013
[info] You to have Java and Eclipse Configured and Installed. If not please install the JDK and download Eclipse[/info] In one of the last tutorial, we have created a simple phonebook system using a text file and Java Programming. For more details, click here. In this tutorial, we will be creating the
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Java & HSQLDB : Connecting to a DBMS (HSQLDB) from Java Program
Databases, Java Programming, SQL
Apr 17, 2013
[info]In case you don’t have the HSGLDB, You can download the DBMS : HSQLDB from here [/info] 1) Create a simple file and call it Simple.java. Here is a simple code written in Java to connect to a DBMS : import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; public class Simple { public static
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